Whether this is your first time visiting our website or you have been coming to STAF for years, we believe every individual has a unique next step to take as they grow in their faith journey with Jesus and in relationship with other people in our church community. Here are a few recommendations for your next steps! Don't see what you're looking for? Use the form below to contact us and let us know what you're looking for.
These Bible Study Guides are focused on helping people grow in the knowledge of
God's Word so every one of us can live in the fullness of Christ.
- What happens in death?
- Is there really a heaven?
- If God is so good, why is the world so bad?
Answer these questions and more.
Request a visit with the pastor. Simply fill out the form below accordingly.

Christianity 101 is a class rooted and grounded in God's Word. Feet firmly planted on the truth.
Confident in what we believe, why we believe it and, most importantly,
why it matters. It will also help you develop the habits you need to jump-start your spiritual
growth. It will give you an overview of the four basic spiritual habits
every Christian needs in order to grow: Daily Time in the Bible, daily
prayer, giving, and fellowship.
Water baptism is a celebration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is the public expression of your belief that He has saved you. It's not the end of the Christian journey. It's just the beginning. Baptize means "to immerse; to put under." It also carries the idea of
"being identified with." So, when we're baptized in water, we identify
with Jesus' burial and acknowledge that we've died to our old lives
(Romans 6:4). Your old man or woman is gone, and Christ's life radiates
through you. Use the form below to connect with us and find out when our next baptism celebration will be!
You don't have to be a member of STAF to join one of our Bible study small groups. Currently, we have two classes to choose from. Both meet Wednesdays, at 7:00pm and are open to all.

We currently have two small group Bible studies meeting Wednesday Evenings in the church. Feel free to join either one as they are both open classes.
Not sure what your spiritual gift is? Don't worry, we can help you discover them, develop them, and use them for the glory of God.

There is always room for more in ministry. The needs are ever expanding. Connect with us and let us know you ministry passion, spiritual gifts, so we can get you in a ministry spot that will make an impact for Jesus.
The list isn't complete...And you may be passionate about something else. Connect with us and let's do something meaningful in South Tacoma.